With the release of "Moonlight and Claws" coming on October 15, I would like to take this opportunity to share an excerpt from my short story, "The Hired Fang." This is the same excerpt that the editors are currently using on Facebook to promote the anthology.
The man smiled amicably at her as she got out of the car. He had an air of expectation about him, reminding her of the instructions she had received.
"Are the fish biting?" she asked. It was a strange question, given that the pond was a hundred yards away and kids were splashing around, no doubt scaring off the fish. Nevertheless, she stuck to the script.
The man nodded. "They're always biting if you use the right bait."
It was the response that she had been told to expect, but that didn't help her nerves much. "Are you Mr. Marsh?" Assuming that's your real name.
"That's right. And you must be Ms. Holden?"
"Please, call me Amy."
"If you don't mind, Ms. Holden, I like to keep things businesslike...."
"Please, I'm nervous enough."
"Very well. Have a seat, Amy." He opened the cooler and fished out a store-brand grape soda with his good arm. "Thirsty?"
"Um, not really. I'm trying to cut back on sugar..."
"Bottled water?"
Amy nodded. The heat was already getting to her, and she knew it would only get worse. "Actually, I would like one of those. Thank you."
"So let's get right down to it, Amy. We're meeting because you want somebody to die."
Amy flinched. His directness seemed particularly jarring in contrast to the otherwise idyllic campground. She looked around nervously to see if anyone else had heard him. Everyone at the pond was seemingly oblivious to them. "Well, I..."
His half-smile was surprisingly sympathetic as he leaned back in his chair. "Please forgive me. I get so used to this that I forget how extreme it is for everybody else. What I mean to say is, somebody had wronged you, you want justice, and the law can't touch them for whatever reason."
A bird chirped in the background as Amy fidgeted in her seat. Kids were splashing in the water, shouting and laughing. Everything else in the world was normal except for their meeting. "Yes, sir."
"Why don't you tell me about it?"
"Do you really think you can help me?"
Marsh smiled and held up his left hand, then lowered it. When he brought it up again, it was covered with fur and had razor sharp claws at the ends of his fingers. Amy gasped in spite of herself. He repeated the prestidigitation and held up his hand again, normal once more. "Let's just say I have a rather unique skill set."
"Moonlight and Claws" is available in both print and e-book format on October 15. Check it out, and thanks again for your continued support.