Saturday, September 23, 2023

Coming October 15: Don't Go In the Water...


Coming October 15 from Ye Olde Dragons Books, the third entry in their Classic Monsters Anthology"Don't Go in the Water..." I am pleased to report that my short story "Croak" is included in this anthology!

Both paper and ebook editions are coming on October 15, 2023. Here's the blurb:

A very strange family vacation that goes awry. A bunch of fairy gardeners who run afoul

of a water sprite. Creatures who can control human minds, until one man discovers a way to

infiltrate their ranks. Sirens, mutant frogs, an ancient demonic river monster, even one monster

in space!

And what about a Gill Man who tries to join Classic Monsters Anonymous, but is refused

entry? Bittersweet friendship, an escapee from an aquarium, and a monster in the lake. Another

Enchanted Castle story that will leave you in stitches!

Good creatures, bad creatures. Fall in love with the Creature From the Black Lagoon all

over again.

And think carefully before you go in the water.