Saturday, August 28, 2021

Faith Journeys App

I am pleased to announce the launch of a new project I have been working with recently The Faith Journeys app is  now available on iTunes and Google Play. Faith Journeys provides "short biblical fiction delivered daily." 

Each story focuses upon a particular person from the Bible. The format of the stories is similar to reading a text conversation on your phone. Characters speak in different colored speech bubbles, and it is through these conversations that the story moves. Here is a sample:

Upon downloading the app, users can read a sample of any story for free. If they like the sample, they can "rent" the rest of the story for $0.99, or they can buy it outright for $1.99. New chapters appear in the app daily.

The app features stories from a number of talented authors. It has been my privilege to contribute three stories to Faith Journeys: "Barabbas: A Thief Set Free," "Samson: A Man of Potential," and "Zacchaeus: A Man Named Pure." Here is a screenshot of my Faith Journeys author page:

Sound interesting? Well, what are you waiting for? Go to your app store and download the Faith Journeys app today! Here are the links:

Apple link:

Google Play link:

As always, thank you for your support!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Coming Soon: Moonlight and Claws

Hey everybody, I just wanted to take a moment to announce that my short story "The Hired Fang" will be included in the upcoming "Moonlight and Claws" anthology from Ye Olde Dragon Books, currently scheduled for an October release. That's about all I can say right now, but stay tuned for more to come as October draws nearer! Thanks again for your continued support!